Trump absolutely DOES want to avoid prison! He is looking for execution, instead. That's why he is releasing all the dirt on Biden. Somebody like Biden should absolutely NOT go to prison. Biden should be executed... along with Hillary and Obama.
Well, don't tell us what you really think! I mean all the stuff Trump has done and you still think Hillary...a former Senator is the problem? Really? 13 years of investigations
concluded by Republicans saying they had no evidence of wrongdoing? The above link is from that 'most' Liberal of Newspapers...the...gasp! Wall Street Journal!
Also, Biden should be 'executed' for what reason, being a former V.P. and Democratic Senator? Damn, if that is the criteria I hate to think what you
think will happen if the two Senate races coming up and the Democrats 'flip' the Senate.
Like most things on the far right, completely 'overblown'. As an example the 'Gay's getting married is gonna end the world argument' meh!
It happened, they got married and became 'mostly' old married couples. I assume all this doom and gloom will amount to the same by the far right.
As to the topic here, it won't come to Trump leaving the country, Biden may 'hate' to do so, but for the good of the country he will pardon Trump IMHO
rather than tear the country apart of Trump leaving the country to avoid going to Prison.
So I leave you with this, give it 6-9 months of Trump out of office...sure people will disagree...but this 'end of the world talk' will go away quickly
I'd imagine along with the kindergarten antics of the Trump Administration.
Trump has done the best for the country since before Lincoln.
Biden is full of deceit, using government money to make money with his family. He shouldn't even have run for president. His running is treason - execution grounds.
Benghazi, alone, should be grounds to execute Hillary.
Wake up! Or do I need to wake up and see that you are part of the world trying to take down the USA?
Benghazi Clinton was cleared by Republicans. Unless they are in on the take to. After 13 hours of personal testimony. 10 plus years investigated. 20 years
I think of Whitewater probe. If there was something there it would have been found. Myself, in the age of 'electronic email' and 'electronic documents' I think
a lot, and I mean a lot, of stuff will come out of a dubious nature from the Trump Administration....not a promise, but a guess...wait for it.
Trump and Family I'm afraid you will find much more corruption and such that Biden. Also Biden son's probe so far (two) has be concluded also by Republicans. As
to a Biden son's probe NOW I don't know yet. But as to Trump probes on Family/Himself...state/local/federal and past convictions..the Charity and the fake University
that track record at this point of time has anything Biden's son may have done 'beat' at this time. Also, even McConnell of the Senate has no issue with Biden's
honesty and work ethic..unlike what he says about AOC and others. Biden to my knowledge has never had an issue looked into of any kind since he has been in
public office. You may think his 'views' are misguided...but that is not enough to 'execute' someone.
You have to have some 'facts' just can wish massive investigations for years against Hillary and such and don't like the outcome and then in 2021
say the investigations are crooked should they show more Trump issues with trust and profit and family...same process in a split government investigations
no one party has an advantage...not to mention the Republican States the Trump family is being investigated on. So maybe Biden's son does have issues
who knows...but so far TWO investigations have found nothing of note in a Republican Senate format.
Sounds less like 'facts' matter from your viewpoint than 'sour grapes'