There are hundreds of ERC-20s that have almost no liquidity. They may have been released through ICO and the project failed or was a scam, leaving investors without money.
Even worse, project may have lost too much value or the team abandoned resulting in no real progress in the past 6-12 months.
Redeem your dead coins for up to 50% of their initial value. Join the waiting list and read more here: we do it:
We are using Uniswap's core architecture and a Governance system to create a decentralized ecosystem owned by no one but users themselves.
You will get DAI, Ethereum or a cryptocurrency of your choice in exchange for your altcoins with no liquidity. You will be able to take your coins
away or simply use them inside the ecosystem of on-chain games, DAPPS and more.
Can I simply create an ERC-20 and abuse the system to get free ETH, DAI, etc ?:
No. The governance system in place decides which ERC-20s will be redeemable.
All ERC20s must be approved by at least 51% of governance holders to become exchangeable.
More announcement coming later.