I have an older wallet but it won't load up,"Wallet loading failed error loading" says it's corrupted which it might be -snip-
Bitcoin Core will also display a similar error if you've loaded it with a different wallet file but AFAIK, it will try to salvage it if there's enough valid data in it.
Anyways, for Bitcoin core's wallet.dat, using "
salvagewallet" is still better when trying to fix a corrupted wallet.dat.
To use it, launch bitcoin-qt with
-salvagewallet as an additional start parameter.
Example for Windows: create a shortcut of bitcoin-qt and add
-salvagewallet to the "
"C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe" -salvagewallet
Then use that shortcut to use Bitcoin core with salvagewallet.
Note: After using the shortcut, there will be a backup of your wallet.dat in the same dir as your wallet.dat, but it's best to keep your own backup.