There isn't any data that specifically represents a single Bitcoin. Rather, transactions references UTXOs (unspent transaction output) within transactions to send the funds. Every transaction, other than the coinbase transaction within a block contains a UTXO to be defined and spent. The UTXO set contains data like the TXID, TX index, block which it's in, script etc, amount, etc.
Bitcoin works like a ledger where the coins are originated from the coinbase transaction in a block but there is no actual representation of individual unique coins.
The ledger should not contain the private keys pairs for each pkh address. Transactions can only be spent by fulfilling the criteria as defined in the UTXO, be it corresponding signatures or specific conditions.
So, are you telling me it's formless - like, it doesn't have a format or anything?
It's not like this then:
| index of owner's private key || index of latest Bitcoin ledger || index of Bitcoin denomination |
(Sorry for the crude representation of my original graphic - just wanted to put it here for reference...)
But if the UTXO is that thing, how should the Bitcoin look like?
Sorry but I can't seem to form an image in my mind as to what it would look like....