And I've noticed in the video that this guy has
an article on Bitcoin, so I decided to look into it.
Being careful about predictions, this guy is talking about the asset market in general, but considers Bitcoin as a part of it as well. And he thinks the whole thing will explode due to investors cashing out on their profits within this year.
Do you think this will happen to the asset market? If yes, do you think Bitcoin will face the same destiny and for the same reason?
He's being rational, but rationality doesn't always win out in markets. I think he and many other analysts fail to realize the sheer magnitude of QE and the fear of selling it's created in investors. This is not a traditional financial bubble paradigm.
It's the bubble of all bubbles. I think there is a big danger in assuming it will pop so quickly as the dot-com or housing bubbles. This behavior could continue for years.
Popular sentiment is also quite fearful. Everyday there is new FUD about corona virus mutations and vaccine shortcomings, fears about too little stimulus heading off recession, fears about too much stimulus heading off inflation. You name it, people are fearmongering about it. But the market keeps rising and rising.
This is classic "wall of worry" behavior, with the markets still in disbelief from the scope of recovery since the March 2020 crash. In my experience, this is still
early bull market behavior. We still have a long way to go before things get truly frothy.