@ op sorry for delay I made a video for you
I show 3 rigs in it.
threadripper 3960 and amd 5700xt 400 watts 5.05 usd rig will cost over 2100 to build
thread ripper 3970 and amd 5500xt 350 watts 4.29 usd rig will cost over 2600 to build
ryzen 3900 and amd 5700xt 350 watts earns 4.82 usd rig will cost over 1400 to build
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ9tg45C0DE&feature=youtu.beHi Phill, a AMD Threadripper 3960 costs 1472$ and a RX5700XT right now is 600$+, what about other things like motherboard, powersupply, hdd or pendrive etc? If you get this card RX5700XT at more cheaper price please kindly show me where to get them
those rigs were built in the spring.
I got good prices then.
I could get 5700:cards at 350
forget that now.
I live in New Jersey Howell.
it is 67 miles south of Patterson New Jersey.
microcenter is there.
The mobo and the 3970 were 2300 combo
The mobo and the 3960 were 1700 combo.
patterson is a poor town so NJ has a tax break sales tax is 3.5 vs 7.0 %
and the microcenter has. 5% off cc.
so net -1.5%
thus the one mobo/cpu is 2300- 35 = 2265
the other is 1700-26=1674
those deals are not happening any more.
the 5700 i got as low as 350
the 5600 i got as low as 250
the 5500 i got as low as 200
those deals are not happening now.
the psu i had eight corsair 1500 purchased in dec 2017 really cheap refurbs. 250 each.
the only good psu deal right now is the 850 watt seasonic focus for 139.99 at best buy.
i pay 7% tax and get a 14% discount which nets to -10
so i get focus 850 watts for 130