I converted my public key to hex and placed it in example.hex.
hex2blf example.hex example.blf
Public Key? Or your address converted back into Hash160 form?
Installed and ran brainflayer with my public key & possible word list that I've made.
within an hour it said that it found the key, but it's 40 characters, which looks like hex format (starts with 83).
Do I need to convert it to WIF somehow, or it is just a false-positive?
When you ran brainflayer... and it popped out a result... the "passphrase" should have been on the end of the line of output... like this example where I found that "abc123" was the passphrase used:
The 40 char hex at the start of the line
should be the "RIPEMD-160(SHA-256(public key))" (aka HASH160) that you derived from your address (convert Base58check address back to Hex) and put into the example.hex file before you ran
hex2blfAnyway, simply put that "passphrase" into a brainwallet generator like:
https://www.bitaddress.org/ (use the "Wallet Details" tab)
or, if your passphrase is too short to be recognised using BitAddress (like my example) try:
https://brainwalletx.github.io/#generator (click "Toggle Key" to see private key in WIF format)
NOTE: don't run these tools "online"... you should download them and run them "offline"... both have links to github and/or .zip files at the bottom of the page!This gives:
(You may need to check both the "uncompressed" and "compressed" options to see the correct address)