This has happened to me several times already and when I restart bitcoind it continues. The fact is that in block 269, it ends it but when you use the bitcoin command to conitnue download, that block is restarted and the same block is downloaded again without continuing with the one already downloaded.
You seem to be misunderstanding what "block 269" is...
2021-02-02T01:59:35Z LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file = 269
2021-02-02T01:59:35Z LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file info: CBlockFileInfo(blocks=133, size=46578747, heights=356495...356719, time=2015-05-15...2015-05-16)
It isn't stopping on block# 269... it is stopping on the block
file that Bitcoin Core is storing on disk... as you can see, that file actually has 133 blocks stored in it... from Block# 356495 through to Block# 356719
And zooming in on your very small screenshot, it's possible to see that Bitcoin Core is indeed getting a lot of "updateTip", so is in fact syncing "OK" (at least, up until it gets killed!
As the others have said, the limited RAM on the Pi is likely your issue... especially with the
dbcache setting you have used.
dbcache should never really be more than
half of your total system RAM (as a maximum!)... and you should only really increase it about the default value when you have a fairly substantial amount of system RAM.
Remove the
dbcache setting... and you'll find your Pi should happily (but somewhat slowly) sync without being killed