Today i got a
News that on Thursday a users buy a NFT from
opensea market place in just $130 and then on sunday he sell it $1,30,000 value. That means he makes a profit of 100000% or 1000× in just 3 days. Can you imagine that How much potential has this Nft market. And this NFT is a digital artwork.
For those complaining how the op wrote his digits, lol
I’ve been noticing that these days when people are writing hundred thousands, they first of all put a coma after the first digit, it is just like a new trend for them and at first I was confused as hell
anyway I got used to it. That’s 130,000 USD that he wrote there.
Anyway, that user must have been very lucky for a chance like this, because I hardly see things like this happen. Though it can be something about knowing the value of something, because I have seen a few times where people bought a piece of art for a cheaper price and after they sold it for a higher amount.