Religion for the poor
This isn’t to say there aren’t reach or wealthy people in religion today but majority is what makes the difference. I say this with particular reference to the Christianity as a religion and I’m very much Christian with my religious beliefs and through the chaos in the world, many opportunist pastors has risen to take charge of the situation and the congregation in search of faith becomes the victims.
I write this out of long observed traits in the poor masses that flood various large and much room churches in all corners of the streets of Africa. How a religious person with contradicting belief/faith or with 6months of pastoral education or without any education at all turns a tiny apartment for a fasting/prayer house and it eventually grows to become a church! The pastor gets rich and richer with pot belly and rosy chicks while the members go thin and bony, always hoping on a spiritual figure for a break through. One question I always ask myself is,
Are there really need for all this many churches in all corners of our streets?
Does it really solve the problem of so many immoralities in our world as we see it today?
Religion of our time has become a one man business, where individuals attend churches based on the individual that stands on the podium with sight of what they hope could be gotten from the spiritual figure with no intent of in depth worship. There isn’t any better way to brain wash people other than religion. It uses your built in trust and faith in the pastor or religious leader, your desire to attract favors from the spiritual entity and the fact that your expected to believe completely without doubt against you. All of a sudden we have no value for time anymore, all attentions focused on a one man’s business,
the religious figure head. It’s always about, going out to acquire and bring it to the house of the lord. The house of the lord that is always open to receive but short when it comes to giving out.
MY ANNOYANCEI have a problem with the churches of our time and as much as it troubles me, I try not to let it affect my religious beliefs and faith in God. I have a friend with a troubled family essential need, not want but need that would be 3years if not solved by march 2021 and all it could take to solve it as at then (August, 2019) was just $1,000. It’s my intent to skip the detail but should anyone wish to hear the story, pm and I’ll tell it or at least produce evidence that it’s real and pressing. So, I asked that she takes the issue to her pastor in hope for assistance, maybe not all but even at least 1% of that would go a long way in building hope. Maybe not from the pastor but perhaps let the congregation know of it, maybe a philanthropist could do something or perhaps, conduct an offering to help. It was surprising what answer came off the pastors mouth “
GOD WILL PROVIDE”. Very religious! but, they don't wait for God to provide when it's got to do with church business or pastors welfare. A fund raiser would be conducted immediately and in some instance, they even specify what an individual or a family is to pay. Despite her relationship with the pastor as a personal assistant, a cleaner in church, a chorister and is personally entitled to opening and closing the church when ever they’ve got activities of worship. She pays her tithes and participates actively in donations in her little way in church activities but couldn’t even merit an announcement. It’s a shame! My annoyance comes in terms of what is being thought in the churches, especially in this much room churches of Africa and a few other large churches. It’s always about,
GIVINGThis is one of the chief topics that follow all summons of the churches because, it keeps the churches at the receiving end, not their/our neighbors but the church itself. It’s bad. Even the Holy Scriptures (Bible) will tell you that, when you give to the poor or less privileged on the street, you’ve given to God (Matthew 25:44).
Why is it that, you have to sow a seed (seed of faith) they call it, in the pastor’s life to get the most blessings?
Why is it that, the pastor’s children’s affairs should be funded from the churches treasury?
Why a church would accuse and condemn a man/woman to be fetish but accepts his/her money?
Even pastor’s airtime collections are being taken!
I once saw a church shot its gate to refugees from conflict rural communities in search for a few days of shelter. They sat and bath outside its walls for almost a week until the conflict was resolved.
ENEMIESChristians have been made to feel they have enemies everywhere that hinders their progress. Funny enough, they’ve got no idea whom their enemies are in essence; they’ve got no enemies at all. They fail to realize their only enemy is idleness and time management.
FAITH/BELIEFThe church pay more attention to preaching on abstract things as faith would always create in the individual the need not to doubt. Doubting and asking questions becomes a sin! Taking faith from the church would bring reasoning into the church and once that be the case, the result becomes chaos which isn’t favorable for business.
I expect churches to let their members know these truths,
1. All that you could ever need has been provided by God, your left to explore the corners of the world, dominate and better your living through hard work.
2. Manner doesn’t fall from heaven no more, what you sow is what you’ll reap.
3. The world is every man for himself, if you’re assisted then, your fortunate and should be grateful but it’s got nothing to do with what you believe.
4. Time is the most important thing that is, the greatest asset a man has and its irrevocable and as such should be invested wisely.
Most of the rich and wealthy people know this! This is why you can never see the rich in churches on work hours. It’s always the poor, seeking miracles and praying day after day for the enemies they don’t have. So religion became a thing of the poor!
In your pursuit for God and spirituality, don’t forget you have all you need less you be a religious poppet, like the rat in a rat race that has faith.