You'd need some reference base point in order to randomize both G and Q, right? I can choose a random number r3 and set G = 1/r3 * Q, or if G is well-known, G3 is already specified and I could set Q = G*(some arbitrary k) and from there also derive G1 and G2, but I don't see how both G and Q can be randomized at the same time.
You can can multiply both with a single number which preserves the DL, you can also multiply Q by r and the resulting DL by 1/r.
The reason to randomize is just because it makes it obvious how strong the black box reduction is: Even if the BB could only solve one in a million inputs, you could make it solve _any_ DLP just by invoking it a few million times... So, unless DLP is broken you can't even have a "kinda sorta works" version of BB, it basically can't work at all.