This is a pre-announcement of a new coin:
ZUROCOIN. Target release date: March 8, 2021. There won't be any premine!
Zurocoin (ZRC) is based on Bytecoin and uses the algorithm CryptoNight, based on CryptoNote technology. More info: and features:
-Algorithm is CryptoNight.
-Block time is 120 seconds.
-Difficulty retargets each block.
-Block reward decreases each block.
-One zurocoin is divisible down to 8 decimal places.
-Max supply: 18.446.744.073.709.551.616 zurocoins.
-True anonymity & data protection.
-Untraceable payments.
-Transactions and addresses are unlinkable.
-Scalable blockchain.
-No premined.
More details and source on GitHub: