I don't remember the password. What I *do* remember is trying to be smart back then and having a complicated passphrase, and then encoding THAT to make it "extra secure", and then, saving it in a hidden drive with TrueCrypt. I thought I was being very smart and secure, now I realized I'm really quite the opposite.
Do you remember anything at all about the wallet passphrase?
- Approximate passphrase length
- Character set used: lower, UPPER, numb3r5, symb@|s? etc
- Likely format of the passphrase (ie. 10 letters + 4 numbers... or "1 uppercase, followed by 8 mixed letters/symbols, followed by 2 numbers" etc)
If you don't, you may as well save yourself some time and stress and give up now... This tools rely on you having a fairly good starting point to be able to achieve results in a reasonable amount of time.
Is the BTCrecovery tool legit? I will go through the link. Thanks.
Yes, it is. Although, the version linked above is a little outdated now... and isn't being actively maintained.
You might want to look at this version: