The idea would be to borrow using the Bitcoin as collateral, and refinance as the price continues to rise. That way you don't sell your Bitcoin and you don't pay taxes, income tax or capital gains.It should be done with a low debt ratio, which will allow you to weather a bear market storm for a couple of years.
I do not see it clearly, I understand that in general the best you can do is to avoid debt and increase your net worth, and you can only sell partially when the price reaches certain milestones. For example, you sell 25% when the price reaches $100k, another 25% when it reaches $250k, and so on.
I don't like the idea they propose either, because if it were to become generalized, bitcoin would be encouraging the very thing it proposes to flee from: bitcoin is an alternative to money as debt and encouraging massive indebtedness by taking bitcoin as collateral seems paradoxical, to say the least.
Meehn I don’t think I like that kind of idea. I believe that most of us here are business people at least, so why not maybe take profit from the Bitcoin and use it to finance and boost your business to a higher level and then when you sell and make enough profit from your main business, you can then invest more money if the price of Bitcoin has reduced by then.
I think putting yourself in debt will be very bad, although I do know it’s possible that the price of Bitcoin can go up, but what if it doesn’t go up and it happens to be at the time you’re meant to pay the debt back? You will then be in a really tight position which wouldn’t be good for you. Well, it’s still left for you to decide, and moreover this is why you’re being told to invest what you can afford to risk, that way you wouldn’t have things like this to worry about, and will only withdraw whenever you want to, even if it’s in five years.