No, I don't understand. That's why I politely protested it as I did. If there are no rules, then a simple warning to users would be appreciated. That choice is yours and other admins. Again, there are no rules. I removed the post within 24 hours. I mean no harm and my protest is just, albeit meaningless and foolish. Peace I shall find. I Hope the same for you. Also, cheers to listening to my banter without banning me. I've had worse treatment with my loud mouth than that! ha

Is there a central place bitcointalk keeps their rules for postings? It may be a good idea to let users know about the rules if you're going to punish them for breaking them
You had Been active in this forum at 2018-2019 Meaning those years are mostly the season where Selling of accounts being discouraged in tis forum.
Yeah there is no proper place and even rules that says this is prohibited but this has been going On for years now and if you only visiting
Reputation section Here >> Scam accusation here >> will understand why this is being a negged action , Because of many cases happens in the past and even now that Bought accounts are being involved . Hope you'll find peace in regarding this matter and May learn the consequences for having this thread.