if want to reverse address to RIPEMD160 for recheck is correct (or use convert address to RIPEMD160)
Do you have simple code?
The base58 library provides a
base58decode_check function that decodes a byte-encoded base58 string back into a byte array. Note that you must convert the base58 string to
bytes first before you can pass it as an argument, and because you not only get RIPEMD160 bytes but also the checksum back, you need to strip the checksum too.
import base58
addr = "insert base58 address here"
bytesaddr = bytes(addr, "utf-8")
r160check = base58.base58decode_check(bytesaddr).decode('utf-8');
r160 = r160check[2:] # If you put a "00" at the beginning of the string, so remove it