Many are familiar with the comical animated show "The Simpsons" which was started in 1989 but the show is making some predictions in their episodes which come out to be true in real life.We have witnessed many instances where Simpsons prediction were accurate and some of them include
As Bambrough points out: “Over the show’s 30-year run The Simpsons have correctly predicted Donald Trump becoming U.S. president, the NSA spying scandal, Apple’s FaceTime, smartwatches, and the Disney takeover of Fox.”
In one of their episode they called bitcoin as cash of future.According to a London based expert the actual time between prediction and reality is 15.6 years.So we can see mass adoption by 2036.They all are there past predictions which came out to be true but this time they have some positive prediction in favour of bitcoin.In of their episode we can see this image:
They have shown Bitcoin with infinity sign which means the value of Bitcoin will cross all the benchmark in future.If we take into consideration the average time of 15.6 years then this price level could be achieved by 2036 which seems to be realistic somewhere.The prices are above $60k in Q1 of 2021 with many institutions investing and accepting Bitcoin.If the same pace continue then we could see this turning into reality.
What are you thoughts about this new "Simpsons" prediction?
That is a really nice picture, anyone knows which episode it comes from? Because I would like to see the context in which it is presented, anyway anyone that has been here for a long time probably expects something like that, we're going to see mass adoption at some point in the future simply because the best form of money will always win in the end.
The only thing that is not factually correct is that the value of bitcoin cannot be infinite because in fact there is a limit to how much value we can create due to the limits of the earth and our technology, but still it is something nice to think about.