Kingchain 🦍 is an open source, decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency that enables you to easily send money online. Think of it as “the fun internet currency.”
Kingchain SpecificationsAlgorithm: Quark POW Consensus + POS & MNs
Max supply:
Block target: 240 seconds
POW Blocks: 1600
Premine: 0.1%
RPCPort: 7778
Port: 7777
Reward Blocks: 29999 KONG
Reward: Stake 25% Masternode Collateral 75%
Masternode Collateral: 20000 KONG
RewardsBlocks Blocks Reward
0 150000.000 29.999 KONG
150000 650.000 26.999 KONG
650.000 750.000 23.999 KONG
750.000 800.000 20.999 KONG
800.000 900.000 17.999 KONG
900.000 950.000 14.999 KONG
950.000 1.200.000 11.999 KONG
1.2000.000 ➰ 0.8 KONG
Links Website: Coming soon
Reddit community: Coming soon
Mining guides and configurations: Coming soon
CommunicationsTwitter: code progress
PoolsIn progress
ExchangesComing soon!
Please support us! 🦍