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Author Topic: Buy or wait  (Read 158 times)
dexter141 (OP)
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April 23, 2021, 03:34:08 PM

Altcoins have fallen in price, do you think it's time to buy or wait for a better price (there will be a fall or rise in price). What tokens can you advise to buy?

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April 23, 2021, 03:49:50 PM

Altcoins have fallen in price, do you think it's time to buy or wait for a better price (there will be a fall or rise in price). What tokens can you advise to buy?
today the market is really very flushed and the price of bitcoin has decreased quite drastically today, as well as altcoins that seem to follow the negative trend that is happening to bitcoin, if you look at current market conditions it seems very influenced by the words of the president of America who planned to implement taxes on assets crypto and I think now is the right time to buy bitcoin or other altcoins because the current decline in prices will not last long and I am sure that crypto will return to a positive path.

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April 23, 2021, 04:14:35 PM

Altcoins have fallen in price, do you think it's time to buy or wait for a better price (there will be a fall or rise in price). What tokens can you advise to buy?
actually, what kind of time is it? if the price continues to fall, is it a good time, or when the price continues to rise? however, when the price starts to recover, people will still think that when is the right time to buy coins. the best thing, in this case, is, target your own price, so that when that price is reached, you can buy, or sell the coins you are targeting.

Personally, I always pay attention to the price increases of BTC, ETH, BNB, DOGE, and XRP for now.

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April 23, 2021, 04:16:02 PM

OP, to be on the safe side, don't wait further in anticipation that price would crash more. Your best strategy should be to buy in bits. You can do a 50% first. If it dips more you do a 20% and wait for another dip to do either 10% or 20%. This current crash may be your best entry level as uncertainty rules this crypto industry. Don't wait unnecessarily. There isn't a perfect entry, except on hindsight. The market has been in a dip since yesterday and it would be in anybody's best interest to buy in now.

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April 23, 2021, 04:24:53 PM

I think the decision largely depends on your priorities and plans. If you want to make fast 15% profits because of buying during a correction and selling when the price recovers, now might be a good time to do that. However, if you're interested in long-term profits and a safer choice, it's probably worth to wait for some time to see where this all is going and whether we're truly entering the bear market now. And if we are, I think it's too early to buy because the price can go down way lower, so perhaps waiting for a more stable time and a lower price would make sense. And keep in mind that altcoins tend to fall lower and recover slower than Bitcoin.

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April 23, 2021, 04:31:45 PM

Altcoins have fallen in price, do you think it's time to buy or wait for a better price (there will be a fall or rise in price). What tokens can you advise to buy?
If I'm in your case, I would definitely buy, and then if the price falls down again, then another perfect opportunity to accumulate.

As for which token, I would say to be in the safe side here, the top 5 altcoins we have right now, ETH, BNB, ADA, DOT. Not going to recommend some shitcoins who will promises x returns in the future, that's too risky.


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April 23, 2021, 04:34:43 PM

Altcoins have fallen in price, do you think it's time to buy or wait for a better price (there will be a fall or rise in price). What tokens can you advise to buy?

If you have some capital to acquired more cryptocurrencies I believe it was the right time to do it. Because the market is currently experiencing a massive correction and the price of the top-ranking cryptos are dip sharply so the price was a little bit cheaper now, And my advice is choose only those coins/tokens that have a true use case and utilization and avoid those coins that were artificially pumped and only driven by hype because the risk is very high on that particular cryptocurrencies.
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April 23, 2021, 04:35:06 PM

If you are thinking of investing into cryptocurrencies for a long term, then I think it is a good time to buy now. It is better you do your own research before making an investment actually. But one of my preferences is BNB now. I think the price could reach at least $1k in this year.

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April 23, 2021, 05:09:20 PM

There is no better time to buy crypto than to buy when the price is red, because that is the most ideal position to buy. does anyone suggest you buy if it's green? no, everyone will suggest you buy crypto when it's red.
Apart from the problems that have brought down bitcoin and altcoin prices right now, buying is a great time to do it now.

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April 23, 2021, 05:27:47 PM

The recent prices down due to different rumor, and this is a good time to invest in altcoins, and this dip will give you good profit; after few days you will see everything will be ok so that you can invent in SOL, ADA, and BNB these are the best coin for invest for future, I hope they will big profit in coming days.

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April 23, 2021, 05:37:05 PM

Altcoins have fallen in price, do you think it's time to buy or wait for a better price (there will be a fall or rise in price). What tokens can you advise to buy?
Its time to wait, and wait until a huge drop in the price because after long time the support resistance of bitcoin above $50K was broken which caused all the crypto prices to fall.And also the issue with the miners may take a while to resolve until that bitcoin will get hit along with the whole crypto market as well.
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April 23, 2021, 06:15:34 PM

Altcoins have fallen in price, do you think it's time to buy or wait for a better price (there will be a fall or rise in price). What tokens can you advise to buy?
Altcoin prices have been falling for just a day. It is unknown at this time what will happen in the next few days. It would be better if you wait for two / three more days and then make a decision.
If you want to buy a token now, you can buy the following token AME and POOLZ. These two tokens are very potential tokens.
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April 23, 2021, 06:23:38 PM
Last edit: April 23, 2021, 06:58:11 PM by Lordhermes

Altcoins have fallen in price, do you think it's time to buy or wait for a better price (there will be a fall or rise in price). What tokens can you advise to buy?
BUY, go ahead and buy now, every moment is a good time to purchase coin so long as the market will regain her corrections, but I will advise you to do a thorough research before buying the particular coin you wish to acquire.

The recent prices down due to different rumor, and this is a good time to invest in altcoins, and this dip will give you good profit; after few days you will see everything will be ok so that you can invent in SOL, ADA, and BNB these are the best coin for invest for future, I hope they will big profit in coming days.
Exactly, the best time to buy crypto is now than ever, it's just shows an opportunity for investors to buy more crypto, I have discovered that Solana is doing well in the space because the demand for it is improving. NFT platform Rarible token is built on Solana same as most of NFT tokens, that's absolutely bringing in more demandbon SOL.
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April 23, 2021, 08:59:13 PM

Altcoins have fallen in price, do you think it's time to buy or wait for a better price (there will be a fall or rise in price). What tokens can you advise to buy?

buy or wait longer it depends on the initial perception. if you think the moment is just a correction, buying now is the right choice because the low price won't last long. but if you think this is the start of a bear trend, it's better to wait and see to what point the price will fall.

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