It could also be DHCP is not enabled for your network interface. I don't use HiveOS, but if you can access a terminal window, see if you can ping -c 3 you get a response, that shows DNS lookup, is working and you have an internet connection. If you don't get a response, try seeing if you can ping an, external IP address directly like.
ping -c 3
If you get a response then it shows you have an internet connection but DNS name resolution is not working.
If you don't get a response from either one, try seeing if the network interface for your internet connection is enabled and running. To do that it depends on what the system uses to manage network connections. Some systems use NetworkManager. If it uses DHCPCD.Type ipconfig in a terminal window and that will give you a list of network interfaces on the system. Select the network interface that the system uses connect to the internet and type (replace enp5s0 with the name of your network controller).
sudo systemctl status
dhcpcd@enp5s0.service The output will tell you if the controller is enabled and active. If it says disabled, you enable it with
sudo systemctl enable
dhcpcd@enp5s0.serviceand to start the interface use
sudo systemctl start
dhcpcd@enp5s0.serviceIf the system uses Network Manager check the status with
sudo systemctl status NetworkManager.service
and you can enable and start the service the same way with
sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service