There's a command that specifically designed for nodes with pruned blockchain to work with importprivkey with false rescan flag.
But the required arguments defeat the purpose since you'll need the blockchain to get them :P
That is:
importprunedfunds "rawtransaction" "txoutproof"
importprunedfunds "rawtransaction" "txoutproof"
Imports funds without rescan. Corresponding address or script must previously be included in wallet. Aimed towards pruned wallets. The end-user is responsible to import additional transactions that subsequently spend the imported outputs or rescan after the point in the blockchain the transaction is included.
1. rawtransaction (string, required) A raw transaction in hex funding an already-existing address in wallet
2. txoutproof (string, required) The hex output from gettxoutproof that contains the transaction
To get the
rawtransaction, use this online tool: get the
txoutproof, you need to ask someone with "
-txindex" to use the command:
gettxoutproof "[\"TXID\"]"
TXID of the transaction that you want to import through
importpunedfunds, you can include many as long as they all belong to the same block.
Use that complicated method to import the imported addresses' transactions to your wallet or disable pruning to use rescan.