Hi ! I use Bitcoin full node running trough Tor + Electrum with EPS
While setting up Bitcoin core config file i have set walletbroadcast= to 0 as it says in this tutorial
https://github.com/chris-belcher/electrum-personal-server/blob/master/README.md"run tor on the same machine as Electrum Personal Server. Then by default transactions will be broadcast through tor. If running tor, also set walletbroadcast=0 in your bitcoin.conf. This prevents the node from rebroadcasting transactions without tor."
All works well, i receive transactions, but when i want to send a transaction from my Bitcoin core wallet ( not electrum) my transaction doesn't go trough, i get a message " unconfirmed, not in memory pool".
I googled and found out that if i set walletbroadcast= to 1 my transactions will go trough. I did so, transaction went thought, and even bitcoin core was still connected to only onion nodes.
My Questions are:
1. If even with walletbroadcast=1 i manage to connect to onion nodes, then what was the point of setting it to walletbroadcast=0 in the first place?
2. Do i compromise privacy when walletbroadcast is set to 0?
3. Is there a way sending transaction from Bitcoin core wallet with walletbroadcast=0 or i need to change it back and forth every time i want to send a transaction from bitcoin wallet.
Can someone please help me to understand how all this works?