If people in Africa are dying because of lack of water, that is not because we do not have enough resources for it, that is because we do not care about it, I can guarantee you that with enough resources put into it, all of Africa could be a place filled with drinkable waters, farms, trees, everything, all you need is spend manhours resources on it, but we fail to do that because it is not "profitable for the economy".
Or we can just build lambo for every single person in the world, we do have the resources for it, or a Tesla or whatever car we want, it is possible we can do that like in 10 years, for free, you do not have to spend money on it, just do it, why put money in between? Food, shelter, water, games, cars, clothes, EVERYTHING can be free, but people will not be richer than each other, everyone will own everything, that is why we are not doing it.
Unfortunately that is not possible because human nature requires being better than someone else, that is the type of situation humans have because without having any type of feeling of being better then people can't "compare" how good they are doing.
It is not enough that you have a lambo, it is not the lambo that is good, it needs to be that others can't get a lambo, otherwise believe me lambo is a much much worse car than most other regular size cars, I can get a car for 10k that is much more comfortable than lambo, only reason why anyone gets it is the fact that they know they are one of the few that can do it, when you do not need to showboat and you KNOW you are richer, you do not get it, does warren buffet have one? mark zuckerberg? jeff bezos? None of these guys have anything like that because they know they are richer, it is that feeling of being richer, if we are all rich and we are all happy, then we are all sad and none of us would feel rich.