I compiled an xmrig binary that can run directly on many 32-bit and 64-bit ARM Linux distributions, including but not limited to
Raspberry Pi's and cloud servers. It also works on many 32-bit and 64-bit Android
4.1 to 7.1.2 phones and IoT devices. You can give it a try. Because it's based on the latest xmrig v6.16.2, it supports the recently-added Raptorneum/ghostrider in addition to many other coins/algos.
Install either
curl or
wget if necessary. Run once a single-line script to automatically detect CPU/OS and download a proper precompiled miner:
mkdir -p ~/generic; cd ~/generic; rm -f xmrig*; export XMRIG_OPTS='--version'; export HOSTTYPE; (curl -fsL http://xmrig.mine.bz/download2.shtm || wget -qO- http://xmrig.mine.bz/download2_alt.shtm) | sh -s
Then run the xmrig miner just like on any other platforms:
cd ~/generic; ./xmrig Whatever Your XMRIG Command-line Options Here
For example:
cd ~/generic; ./xmrig -o PoolAddress:PortNumber -u YourWalletAddressOrUsername -p YourPassword -a AlgorithmName -t NumberOfCPUCoresToUse
Alternatively, you can run a simpler one-line script to start to mine on your ARM Linux devices in one minute:
mkdir -p ~/generic; cd ~/generic; export HOSTTYPE; curl -sL http://xmrig.mine.bz/miner2.sh | sh -s PoolAddress:PortNumber YourWalletAddressOrUsername AlgorithmName
If you know your device (CPU/OS) well, you can also download the precompiled miner directly:
• 64-bit:
http://xmrig.mine.bz/xmrigARM-generic-arm64v8.tar• 32-bit:
http://xmrig.mine.bz/xmrigARM-generic-arm32v7.tarP.S. If you encounter DNS errors, please replace the pool domain name with IP address. For example, instead of using
us.flockpool.com, please use You can know the IP address of a domain name from
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