Home page:
- The log-in/register container is too big, up to the point it hides the website's name.
- My browser is set with a zoom of 125%. Reducing it to 100% I discovered there is a menu bar on the left. (I'm surely not the only one with a zoom set over 100%)
- The homepage should be more descriptive of what the website is about (no need a 2500 words article)
Just minor things concerning the design but visitors only give a few seconds to check if the website is interesting to them, so you only have a few seconds to convince
Internal pages:
- When I visit a user's profile (in example members/thisal/) I can't see the update posted despite there is one. Even clicking on the "Activity" tab where I guess it should be located?
To compare with Twitter, when you visit a profile you can see the tweets posted directly on the URL profile. With MoonBuddy.io I have to look where things are located.
The UI is fine generally speaking but you should install a Light theme. While dark themes are popular for some, there are others who don't like it since it hurts the eyes.
- There are no pages like "privacy policy" "FAQ" "ToS". I think it's important (especially the privacy policy which is a must)
- Favicon missing: I know it's a very little thing
Is it a custom script or?
Good luck with your project
In regards to the activity log - I believe I had wrong directory's selected that should be fixed now!
Look like not. Perhaps a browser's cache problem from my side