May 28, 2021, 11:18:12 PM Last edit: May 29, 2021, 02:35:50 AM by The Pharmacist |
As stated in the title, I need $220 of BTC at preev 1:1.
I will not send first unless you have significant green trust or if I've done business with you before.
This will be a neutral feedback transaction.
Send me a PM if you're willing to help me out, as I might miss seeing this thread if you post here.
Local rule: Please do not post here unless you're interested in doing this deal. PayPal is very risky because of the chance of chargebacks, but I have never done this and won't ever. Also, I won't deal with anyone under Full Member unless they're willing to send first.
Edit: Deal done with DaveF, all went smoothly. Locking thread now.