good for you. however, to maximize your profits, you need to look at the state of the market. many people take the wrong step because they do not pay attention to the market. In fact, I've also been wrong many times. however, if you invest in something, make sure it has a low price, as well as a large volume. sometimes people don't pay attention to the market, sometimes they don't really know information about the volume of a coin.
Investing with low price conditions can only be obtained when a dump occurs, but no one knows when it will occur, we can only look at market conditions and predict whether a dump will occur in the near future or not, this makes it difficult to plan long-term investments.
Today's market dropped more than 9% and I think now is a good time to buy, I will buy some altcoins like Binance, Stellar and TRON. Those of us who have been acquainted with crypto for a long time certainly think things like this are now commonplace, becoming a good opportunity to buy cheaply.