If this program is based in Indonesia, I used to work in educational institutions for 6 years as head of administration, I have never seen a private assistance program for education realized without involving the role of the government (more precisely, the licensed organization or institution that oversees this program). So, how about you?
What is the main problem in education?
1. Low family economy is major factor, the other are
2. Limitation of educational fund from government
3. Limitation of educational material
4. Low quality of educational worker
5. Limitation of educational facility
Have you done a survey for this, or have statistical data?
I don't know how long you have been involved in the world of education, in fact 80% of the education costs of EVERY student in Indonesia are financed by the government, both public and private (licensed) schools. Even for some cases of student problems, the government can pay all of it after a feasibility selection is carried out by their school principal. Sort of for school supplies, dormitories, and free meals.
Incidentally, last month (May) I helped one of my colleagues complete the administrative completeness of his institution to be audited directly before it was inaugurated. I got leaked information that, every year the audit team must audit 50 to 100 new private educational institutions at various levels in each city. That is, your program initiative with these reasons is not appropriate (in my opinion).