According to philosopher Craig Warmke, Bitcoin is basically Batman.
Well, I may be taking a bit of liberty with Warmke’s argument.
The assistant professor of philosophy at Northern Illinois University and a member of the crypto-oriented research collective Resistance Money has a forthcoming paper that contends Bitcoin is a collective story that all participants in the network participate in writing. We all endlessly discuss “What Is Bitcoin,” and it doesn’t appear that even the maximalists have settled on a consensus answer.
Warmke’s conception of Bitcoin as a collective fiction is, if nothing else, novel in the corpus of explanations.
Note that the argument here isn’t saying Bitcoin is like a story. another point-of-vew when looking at what Bitcoin is: I have to admit we were missing something like that. It could sound stupid but if you read it right it is a nice comparison if you ask me. Read it for yourself, I do not what to give you my opinion.