Really great topic and it matches my thoughts at some point.
We all really live in an illusory truth effect. What is money? Why does paper with $ symbols have value? Why do we exchange valuable things for some $$? When you check your bank's account online, you just see the numbers. When you pay, you give away nothing but the numbers. <-- From one point it looks like that but there is whole magic behind the scene. I suggest OP and anyone to check <-- A lot of interesting articles.
Btw, we were told that money can buy things. A lot of people don't know economics, finances, etc, that's where we get the illusory truth effect and just know that money can buy things
What if your world is just a manipulation? What if we are a part of computer software? Someone created a new world with characters and put an algorithm in it to make it capable of thinking itself like AI, to create its own world in a dream. What if according to algorithm, dopamine is the key of motivation and each character has different levels of dopamine and is capable of manually boosting/decreasing this? There are a lot of "What if"...