Say a diceGame system requires you to input a client seed before it decide what serverhash it will pair with the client id you provided. Is it mere stupidity to be suspicious the site doesn't let you give them the client seed while they show a hash of their serverseed?
If a casino forces you to give them the raw client seed prior to them providing the hash of the server seed, they have the potential to calculate a server seed based on their desired outcome.
The above is a very serious problem if it does not allow you to chose a "high" or "low" outcome -- assuming a zero house edge, a gambler cannot choose between above 90 (for a high), or below 10 (for a low) (assuming a range out possible outcomes being between 0 and 100), on a 10x bet. If a gambler must bet that a roll will be above a threshold, for example, the casino can choose a seed in which the distribution of outcomes is below expected outcomes for the first n bets.
If a gambler has the option to choose between betting if the outcome will be above or below a threshold, and the gambler bets above or below on a truly random basis that is independent of his seed, the game will remain provably fair, however, it will result in bad optics, because most gamblers will not be truly random in their betting choices. If a casino is intending on being fair to gamblers, it will cost them nothing to disclose the server seed hash in advance, and it will eliminate a point of contraversary.