Free Token $FREETFree Token is a cryptocurrency which is distributed for free.
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www.freetoken.netWhat is $FREET?$FREET is a simple ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain.
$FREET is not mintable nor pausable (we could not create more $FREET).
Total Supply & final supply is: 1,000,000,000 $FREET.
$FREET Distribution1st arrived, 1st served.
100% of the total supply is available through the distribution contract.
Distribution contract set a distribution cap at 1,000 $FREET per address.
Why create a token for free?Simple, Free Token is the future of cryptocurrencies.
But hey! Could someone get all the stock if it is for free?No he cannot. The distribution is capped at 1,000 $FREET per address. To get all the stock someone would need to make 1,000,000 transactions with 1,000,000 different addresses. This is impossible because of the gaz (even through multi-sender applications).
But if you want more $FREET, feel free to get more by sending 0 Ether (ETH) to the distribution contract with another Ethereum address.
Will $FREE ever have a value some day?When $FREET will be HODL by 1 million users it will surely have the value of the people. And when someone decides to create a liquidity pool on Uniswap then $FREET will start to be tradable against any other cryptocurrencies.
Any catch?Free Token source code is available on Github as well as on (all contracts are verified and consultable).
Ethereum addressesToken address: 0x8c1b9072F78FfB869C817453dE44b2101C4DE645
Distribution contract: 0x1B8e9B85679f845057426dd4Ba1eB1ba38319677
Creator's address: 0x43621b2dc33FAf55c50f9713CD20f0119d8a7646
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