Dealing with loans is a big disaster, with a soul loan you will easily find difficulties, starting with something underfunded but with your own funds, that way I believe it's easier for you to manage your finances well, "a little is better than too a lot", but use it with a loan..
I’ve been a conservative safe person before,
who had Bitcoin worth 400.000€ a few years ago, all done with trading with over 3000 different people.
My wealth was so often under attack by people who worked the 9 to 5 that eventually the surroundings around me managed to rip me clean.
I mean the banks stole money from me, the president stole money from me, Facebook stole money from me, coinbase stole money from me, the car repair shop has my car and hasn’t replied back when I want to auction it off.
Ive slept outside for 15 months, rain, thunderstorms,, heatwaves, hunger.
I’m not going to be a conservative type again, when I make it again I will blow a million in a day when I feel like.I will have no restraining, no common sense and no reasoning when it will come spending to money.
I’ve made big money while playing it safe and still managed to lose it all, now i intend to make big money again and I will spend it left and right, up and down until they call me Mad man Money Berserker and gather on the streets with a thousand people to protest against me.