With the inspiration of a classic game to Trade Race Manager:
Life Is a Game*.
The project opens with the TRM logo and the message "LIFE Is A GAME", a phrase that doesn't belong to me.
(*)I found it on the TradeRace Manager blog, so I liked it and left it as is.
Then the racer Mr. Rich appears with his elegant outfit and his characteristic movement, he is the star so he is the one who starts my gif.
Then the different experiences of the racers are manifested in Rookie, Beginner, Semi Pro, Expert, Professional and Master. The different levels through which we advance.
So if we compiled all those levels of experience, we could finally compare ourselves to mr. Rich or maybe it's time to have him.
Tetris has only been an inspiration in a figurative sense to have the ability to know where each piece goes and thus start assembling our team, if you know what you do you know where each piece goes.
In any case, from a classic and legendary game to an innovative one. And of course the car has to be the Blue Storm, by the way only 15600 IOI.
Available 640/360/180 gif and mp4 format. Also with a background music version.