Bitcoiner Mircea Popescu Dead By Drowning"Mircea Popescu, a 2011 bitcoin adopter who operated the now long defunct stocks, bonds and options MPEx exchange founded in April 2012 – which required 30 bitcoin to join – has drowned at sea.
The Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ) of Costa Rica identified the drowned 41 year old as Mircea Popescu, though they say he is of Polish origin when he is known to be Romanian.
“The events occurred around 8:30 am when Popescu entered the sea to swim in the Tramonto sector, was swept away by the current and died on the spot.
Jacó Beach lifeguards remind tourists and bathers that Paya Hermosa is not an area for swimming,” local media says."
Sorry to hear such incident and this really proves and remind us that we dont know on when,how and where we would die.Life is just been borrowed and can be taken anytime unexpectedly.
Main question on here is that, is he able to share up his wallet informations or simply make some inheritance of those coins he possesses? Since this guy is an early adopter then its most likely he's a whale.
On the other side of things then we should really be always be informed on places that we do tend to make some activity or hanging out because there might really be those informations
which would really be helpful for you to avoid such dangerous situation which might cause death.