You could do the same with anything that consumes electricity. "Hey, my toaster mines crypto. Looks how innovative I am".
Damn this brings back memories..
The toaster, the lightbulb, how to burn through 100 million of investments and in the end come up with raspberry that cost $400, sell one hundred of those and end up in bankruptcy. Probably the same will happen with this thing also, over expensive trikes, no real advantage over other models, not even the price, so from here the need to try to latch on anything that is trendy right now, like this whole useless mining.
The last news for me about electric cars was one country had charging points for electric vehicles for returning unused battery charge to the power national grid for payment.
This vehicle to grid "innovation" has failed miserably in every test.
The whole idea of charging your car at night and then feed the grid at peak hours is simply ridiculous, why not use house batteries in the first place, and more importantly why not simple and reliable pump storage facilities that can give you a far more stable and predictable picture on what's happening with the grid and what measures you need to take.