Coin logo:

Coin name:
eTitanium [ETIT]Algorithm:
SHA-256 Proof of Work Coin supply:
105.000.000 coins Premine:
21.000.000 coins (Percentage: 20)
50% for Airdrop, Public Relations / Marketing
50% for Development, Mining
Block reward:
50 coins Block halving:
840.000 blocksCoinbase maturity:
3 blocks Target spacing:
1 minutes Target timespan:
60 minutesTransaction confirmations:
2 blocksLast block with reward:
27.720.000Time until last block:
52 years, 8 months, 14 daysINFO:eTITANIUM is well positioned to fill the niche with a digital social currency that is closely linked to human social interactions and needs.
E-titanium aims to bring cryptocurrency to the level where anyone and everyone can access and use it.
We aim to remove the technical difficulties that an average user faces in using cryptocurrency
and promoting it at a wider scale by helping artists and filmmakers use it for online marketing purposes.
eTITANIUM intervenes on the following points;
- Cooperation with business customers from the music and movie industry,artists and influencers
- as the official currency for products offered by cooperation partners with special offers
Website: etitanium.netWhitepaper: Wallet for Windows/Linux/MacOSRoadmap: eTitanium HUBS Block Explorer: explorer.etitanium.netForum: forum.etitanium.netSource code: GitHubTelegram: @etitaniumTwitter: @etitanium1Reddit: r/eTITANIUMInstagram: @etitaniumplanetDemo DEX: eTitanium DEX coming soon
Mining Pools: sha256 -o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=ETIT
Please use legacy address when mining.
Airdrops & Giveaways: STEP 1 [01.07.2021 - 01.10.2021]
free 250 ETIT coins - only for bitcointalk users
earn up to 300 ETIT coins - open for all
earn up to 5.000 ETIT coins - only for bitcointalk users (signature & avatar campaign)
Exchanges: special offers
FinexBox *FinexBox charges a
withdrawal fee amounting to 20 $ when you withdraw in altcoins
Web Wallet: The Hive Multi-Coin Web WalletHow to mine: Instructions for WindowsInstructions for LinuxIf you are interested in long-term cooperation, please contact us for a detailed agreement on the manner, extent and conditions of cooperation.