Activity: 2394
Merit: 1799
July 10, 2021, 04:21:20 PM |
Congratulations to: @PrimeNumber7 achievement (Legend)
I try to take: 24
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| 10K WEEKLY RACE | | 100K MONTHLY RACE | | | ██
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July 10, 2021, 04:46:49 PM |
97 pls canceled (unless you wanne tolerate and still count me), sorry I missed the requiremetn -You must have received at least 5 merit in the past 120 days from at least 2 distinct forum members and congrats on your achievement count me pls, requirement met. 97 - rat03gopoh

Activity: 518
Merit: 81
July 10, 2021, 08:16:24 PM |
I want to choose 23, please.
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1417
July 10, 2021, 08:21:46 PM |
As a way to celebrate becoming a Legendary Member, I have decided to giveaway 0.0012BTC to two forum members.
Well done PrimeNumber7 !! You have what it takes to become a legendary Member, you managed to progress from a newbie in about 15 months, thats epic IMO. So thank you for the competition I would like to choose 16
R |
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Activity: 1890
Merit: 2703
Crypto Swap Exchange
July 10, 2021, 08:24:29 PM |
Congrats PrimeNumber7!
I'll take 59 if it's okay.
July 10, 2021, 09:55:51 PM |
Congratulations from me too! I want to choose 25. Fingers are crossed 
PrimeNumber7 (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1906
Amazon Prime Member #7
July 11, 2021, 01:57:44 AM |
I have added all of you to the list. Good luck to you all!
July 11, 2021, 07:33:04 AM |
I choose 95, please. Thank you!
PrimeNumber7 (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1906
Amazon Prime Member #7
July 11, 2021, 08:12:29 AM |
I have added you to the list. Good luck!
Based on my calculations, number 89 is likely to win, although due to the number of empty spaces as of now, number 95 is the most likely to be the grand prize winner. Participants can choose any open number, however, numbers 92 through 94 have the greatest chances of winning based on the current block number, estimated hash rate, and currently open slots. Good luck to everyone.
July 11, 2021, 08:39:51 AM |
Based on my calculations, number 89 is likely to win, although due to the number of empty spaces as of now, number 95 is the most likely to be the grand prize winner.
Participants can choose any open number, however, numbers 92 through 94 have the greatest chances of winning based on the current block number, estimated hash rate, and currently open slots.
Good luck to everyone.
Oh noes, look like I miscalculated. Well then, I wish the entries after me all the best! 
. .500 CASINO.██ | ▄▀ | ▄
▄ | | . THE HOTTEST CRYPTO CASINO & SPORTSBOOK | | ▄▄▄████████████ ▄▄▄███████████████████ ▐█████████████████████ █████████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ███████████████████ ██████▀█████▀██████ ▐████████▀█████████ ▐███████████████████ ███████████████████ ▐███████████████████ ▀██████▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀█ | | █▄▄▄██████████▄▄▄ ███████████▀██▀▀██▄▄ ███████████████████▄ █████████████████████ ████▄████▄███████▄███ █████████████████████ ████▀████▀███████▀███ █████████████████████ ███████████████████▀ ███████████▄██▄▄██▀▀ ▀▀▀██████████▀▀▀ | | ► ORIGINALS
| ▀▄ | . ██..PLAY NOW.. |
July 11, 2021, 01:45:38 PM |
Hi! I would like to choose 30. Thanks.
PrimeNumber7 (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1906
Amazon Prime Member #7
BTCLiz - 4
Congratulations @PrimeNumber7!
I would like to take the following spot:
Good luck to all other participants! Cheers!
Being that 690604 was the first block to be found after 5:00 PM UTC the winning number is 04, and the runner-up number is 05. I ask BTCLiz and bullrun2020bro to each post a SegWit address they can receive their prizes to. I will send your prizes shortly, once you both post your respective addresses. Thank you to everyone who participated.
July 11, 2021, 07:13:31 PM |
BTCLiz - 4
Congratulations @PrimeNumber7!
I would like to take the following spot:
Good luck to all other participants! Cheers!
Being that 690604 was the first block to be found after 5:00 PM UTC the winning number is 04, and the runner-up number is 05. I ask BTCLiz and bullrun2020bro to each post a SegWit address they can receive their prizes to. I will send your prizes shortly, once you both post your respective addresses. Thank you to everyone who participated. Yipppiiiiii!!! This is nice, thank you very much! bc1qztj3uf3t7mzee3gla09yqnh36sdh04c52ul8ys
aka Stryfe
Activity: 2366
Merit: 2569
EIN: 82-3893490
July 11, 2021, 09:42:55 PM |
oooh you use the block number itself?
I thought you would use the block hash itself. that is a lot more random. as when there is a cut off time it is rather easy to guess the block number within a dozen or so - as long as hash rate/diff has remained steady.
either way - awesome give away! and congrats to the winners!
PrimeNumber7 (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1906
Amazon Prime Member #7
July 12, 2021, 12:46:50 AM |
I thought you would use the block hash itself. that is a lot more random. as when there is a cut off time it is rather easy to guess the block number within a dozen or so - as long as hash rate/diff has remained steady.
I considered using the block hash, however doing so would result in there either being too few spots (if I only used the last digit), or way too many spots (if I used the last two digits). Each spot can be guessed by only one person, so while you might be able to correctly guess the block number two hours out, there isn't a guarantee that spot will be unoccupied two hours prior to the cutoff time. bc1qztj3uf3t7mzee3gla09yqnh36sdh04c52ul8ys
Sent -- 7de445730482f6e42422290f28610c49d103bf12e4c851c50ef07f8946e2007fOnce bullrun2020bro responds to my PM and/or posts his address in this thread, I will send his prize.
Thank you to everyone who participated. I hope you all had as much fun as I did. I may host another giveaway sometime in the future.
Jr. Member
Activity: 135
Merit: 2
xrp shitcoin is SCAM - get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 12, 2021, 12:54:09 AM |
oooh you use the block number itself?
I thought you would use the block hash itself. that is a lot more random. as when there is a cut off time it is rather easy to guess the block number within a dozen or so - as long as hash rate/diff has remained steady.
either way - awesome give away! and congrats to the winners!
I can agree here and can say it seems to be a very fraudulent giveaway! It's not completely clear because you haven't given an example how it works and people don't find out easily!! Not all numbers were equal like it is for selecting a block hash! I thought you would use the block hash itself. that is a lot more random. as when there is a cut off time it is rather easy to guess the block number within a dozen or so - as long as hash rate/diff has remained steady.
I considered using the block hash, however doing so would result in there either being too few spots (if I only used the last digit), or way too many spots (if I used the last two digits). Where is it too many spots for last 2 digits? You know very well how giveaways are done! Most giveaways are using last 2 digits. Same number from 00 - 99. 
xrp shitcoin is SCAM! *** Get out! *** Don't get scammed by Ripple Labs and scammer Garlinghouse *** xrp shitcoin is SCAM! *** Get out!!!
aka Stryfe
Activity: 2366
Merit: 2569
EIN: 82-3893490
July 12, 2021, 01:22:27 AM |
for example, using block hash
block 690644 - hash 0000000000000000000b6bb5fbd67c09325db936ec810fed36804f8e2e3a851a --- 51 is the winner
block 690640 - hash 000000000000000000017b76de930f804b986d3d9551984934c2d90401b193f8 --- 38 is the winner
you do 00 thru 99 = 100 slots last 2 digits (not last two characters) can only be 00 thru 99
still - your giveaway, so you can do it your way. I think some of us just misunderstood - I def would calculated for what block range would have been at end time before picking a number - as it was, I was only 6 off so was still close.
Jr. Member
Activity: 135
Merit: 2
xrp shitcoin is SCAM - get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 12, 2021, 01:39:12 AM |
I def would calculated for what block range would have been at end time before picking a number - as it was, I was only 6 off so was still close.
Yes For guessing block numbers, it's very easy to game just before a block is produced. Each block is 10 minutes - not much of a difference if people know and look up accordingly. Many participants didn't have an equal chance.
xrp shitcoin is SCAM! *** Get out! *** Don't get scammed by Ripple Labs and scammer Garlinghouse *** xrp shitcoin is SCAM! *** Get out!!!
PrimeNumber7 (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1906
Amazon Prime Member #7
July 12, 2021, 01:44:04 AM |
for example, using block hash
block 690644 - hash 0000000000000000000b6bb5fbd67c09325db936ec810fed36804f8e2e3a851a --- 51 is the winner
block 690640 - hash 000000000000000000017b76de930f804b986d3d9551984934c2d90401b193f8 --- 38 is the winner
you do 00 thru 99 = 100 slots last 2 digits (not last two characters) can only be 00 thru 99
still - your giveaway, so you can do it your way. I think some of us just misunderstood - I def would calculated for what block range would have been at end time before picking a number - as it was, I was only 6 off so was still close.
I may consider doing that sometime in the future. I was also thinking of hosting a giveaway something along the lines of allowing people to enter once per day, and allowing each space to be taken multiple times. The payout for the winner(s) would depend on how many shares they have in the winning number and how many shares were issued for the winning number. At first, each guess would allow the person to have many shares when choosing a number would be little more than a gamble, but over time, each entry would result in the participant fewer shares as guessing the number (or a range) becomes easier with certain assumptions. As I noted above, you can guess within a range the correct block number, however there isn’t a guarantee that the door will be available if only one person can guess each number.
aka Stryfe
Activity: 2366
Merit: 2569
EIN: 82-3893490
July 12, 2021, 01:53:13 AM |
and that is why using a block hash can be considered more fair. either way it is a great thing you are doing and we all - I am sure - thank you!