really interesting and visually pleased project, so excited about it , but I don`t understand, what is the main product of your project? is it TV series, NFTs or mobile game
Thank you, LegendLY, we appreciate it. Our first goal - collection of unique 3D NFTs robots-eschatons . There are demo NFTs .
After the initial token sale our team will start a short TV series about these NFTs and every owner could enter and vote for a certain scenario or vision of EschatonCX metaverse. We will begin text-based Battle Royale game where every eschaton has equal change to win main prize.
At the end of tokens sale we will join our programmers to develop mobile game where each owner of eschatons will be able to play a combat mobile game.
Also everyone would be able to trade eschatons, collect and transfer them.
You can view roadmap here: