Do you have any open source link on github or similar websites to confirm your claims, and is your Tonopah poker only working with Bitcoin Testnet at the moment?
I think that How to play section needs to be updated with some instructions because currently it only shows
bla bla bla… The GihHub link is under download, here: And here is the link directly to the GitHub repo:, a lot needs to be updated!
As you can see, the GitHub page says "Documentation and such should be here... It just needs to be written first...
"... I'm not in my comfort zone when it comes to writing text for humans... I would rather write 1000 lines of programming code than one sentence of text to explain things...
The way that I have set up and installed things on it only works with Testnet. This is mainly for legal reasons, since I'm developing this software under my own name and I don't have a gambling license. If I would accept real bitcoin there I would effectively be running a gambling site, which is not legal. Testnet coins have no value, so it should be legal. is NOT a poker site, it is a page to provide information about the software.