I need uncompressed public address now, could someone generate this ?
If someone could generate an uncompressed address or the specific address you wrote?
If it's the first one, then yes, you can still generate uncompressed addresses, it's just not recommended. Instead of hashing the compressed public key in the
step 2, hash the uncompressed public key.
For example, take this public key:
The starting “02” means that your
y is an even number. Solve the equation:
y2 = x3 + 7 and you get:
x = 817c2e406a127b429cdd69f3f7980fdaf9d50d69ca17ba05510dc2d7d8b49057
y = 4af04f9a650a6c1475a2722abde70ace45426054155dd1f5af7fcdf5e8bd8e42
Your uncompressed public key will be
“04” + x + y.
Thus, we have:
Hash it with SHA256 and continue the steps by yourself. This uncompressed public key gives us:
If you meant the specific address, then it's impossible.
(for you to generate what he did)