I've recently found this "issue" myself but that proved to be an error from my part. I wanted to address some trades that I did some years ago but for some strange reason Binance was only showing me the deposits amounts / or what I did bought at the time as a way to "fund" my account - in no way was there details about the transactions that took place after I did the initial funding (or fees as well).
I found out that you have to click on
Transaction History and then on the upper right corner you'll see an option that states
Export recent trade history or
Grab entire history off trades. You just have to click on that option, define a period of 3 months that you want to take a look at and then it will generate a .csv report with all your movements (funding, trading, etc).
Be aware that since this consumes resources on Binance end, they limit each "export operation" to 4 times a month per user.
EDIT: Found a Binance[1] support page that although it doesn't show you how to get this report, it shows the option I was talking about -
Generate all statements in the upper right corner (second screenshot).