The area that has developed the most in this pandemic and I think that later will be everything related to online jobs and what has to do with freelancers, since most companies worldwide have their employees working online.
The education of children, jobs that have to do with the fulfillment of goals through software are the ones that have been developed the most, and after the pandemic what will be more developed will be telework, since the platforms of ZOOM, Twitch , Skype are the ones that have had the most demand for use. In my particular case, I have made appraisals online, I tell people to please send me photos of their houses, or of their machines so that I can make the corresponding appraisal, from my home I work and now, what I have to do is print, sign and seal, later I send it by an entity corresponding to shipments and parcels.
In a pandemic situation like now, all things related to technology are in great demand. Most people have started working online, because indeed
working online can make us avoid the spread of the corona virus. No wonder the online world is growing rapidly in a pandemic situation, because
humans are finally very comfortable doing activities online. The pandemic has drastically changed the habits of human life, therefore if we cannot
adapt it will be difficult to survive. Countries that have many companies in the field of technology will definitely develop rapidly, because humans
have relied heavily on technology since the pandemic to be able to carry out their daily activities.