yeah price of btc has no meaning to miners.
price of watts burned
vs price of watt earnings is the two part calculation.
derivatives888 talks about non mining in the prior post.
closer to trading not mining.
And in the usa various commercial deals can stretch for as long as three years.
also if you are in the proper states and have large solar arrays you have a essential cost of zero once you paid the array.
We have three arrays
they do 2 megawatts of “free” power once paid off.
the 110 and the 40 are paid off.
my rates are pretty much set for years to come.
but expansion of the arrays are not going to happen that easy.
Wowww mining Bitcoins and the bitcoin price is not important at all.
Thats why so many miningscompanies went bankruptcy when the price was at 16k
the spread of earnings and burning is what matters
Ie $100,000 BTC with 60cent kwatt vs $10,000 with 1 cent power.
the 10000 coins with 1 cent power work better.
If you look at Satoshi his idea is power into wealth.
So yeah price of coin to sell has some part but price to mine has a lot.
if you go to they will pay you
0.0711 $ per th of mining.
so the 0.07110 is price of earnings.
my cost of mining is 50% of that ie 0.03555
so 0.07110 - 0.03555 = 0.03555 dollars a th
you are only listing the left side of the profit caculation
ie the 7.11 cents a th. earnings
the right side is equally important. ie 3.555 cents cost.
So you are incomplete.
Now I did leave out my repair cost and my gear purchase cost.
but at this time all the gear is paid for.
as for repair cost it it is likely just under ½ cent
so 7.110 cents earned
and 3.555 cents burned
and 0.445 cents repair and housing and salaries and buying the gear.
7.11 cents
- 4.00 cents
3.11 cent profit per th
I have 3500 th so $108.85 a day profit.
your price only
would be 7.11 cents x 3500 = $248.85 earned with no cost calculation at all. So it would be incomplete.
Ie what does mining $250 a day in btc mean if you spend 255 a day to earn it = it means a loss
or what does mining $250 a day in btc mean if you spend 50 a day to earn it = it means a gain
you can't just use the left side ie btc coin price.
you need the expense side. ie power cost, housing cost, gear cost, cooling cost, labor cost.
The mining companies that go broke do not get a good income side as compared to their expense side.
But yeah when price skyrockets it hides expense problems. Some times for a few years in a row.