I have total of 285MH on ETH using crazy pool and it's been hours already but the Hashrate on crazy pool is just 265MH where did my other Hashrate goes? Anyone using crazy pool or is there something I don't understand?
I don't use Crazy Pool but let me make a comparison with Ethermine,we have there in Ethermine Reported hash rate which is our actual hash rate and then we have the Pool hash rate which is measured with how much shares you submit there in an hour mostly so the hash rate is different.For example I may have a Reported hash rate of 290 Mhsh but may have a Pool hash rate of just 250 Mhsh for example as that is the number of shares my miner has submitted to the pool during the last hour.I don't think you have anything to worry about if you see different type of hash rates in your pool.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the hash rate takes about 24 hour to really adjust usually in mining pools.