My first attempt I used account number 22 ( m/84'/0'/22'/0/0..) and it structed the command with a certain XPUB. I next tried to use the m/84'/0'/0"/0/0.. and noted that the command it created for this importmulti command was a completely different XPUB file. Is this normal? I would of imagined that the XPUB it used would be the same but there's where my understanding of XPUBs derived from the master public key vs. the derivation path kind of breaks down.
I don't own a ColdCard so cannot comment on the specifics you have mentioned, but yes, this is normal.
An xpub is your account extended public key. Lots of places refer to it as your master public key, but technically speaking, this is incorrect. Your master public key is at derivation path m. Your xpub from those two wallets will be at derivation path m/84'/0'/22' and m/84'/0'/0' respectively, and therefore, completely different. Not that the derivation path structure as laid out in BIP44 is as follows:
m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
As you can see, you changed the account (the third number) from 0' to 22', which is the level the xpub is derived from. The two xpubs will therefore allow you to restore all the addresses in each respective wallet, but they will not allow you to restore addresses from a different wallet.
Also worth noting that the first three levels are hardened, as denoted by the ' symbol after the number. This means that if you were indeed dealing with the master public key at level m, you could not derive any addresses in either of your wallets, since you need the corresponding private keys to move down hardened paths.