Planting more trees will help make more rains, science said so. It's all there is that we need to do for now. The world resources are getting thin there has to be an adjustment to follow if we are to believe things will get worse like limiting the number of kids for every family. Certain laws I guess have to be followed to ensure the future of the earth.
Planting trees doesn't work, because you'd have to plant millions of trees
daily to neutralize the current world's CO2 emissions.
I'll see if I can find the calculations again but I looked it up a while ago.
Another issue with
just plant sum more trees is that they eventually get old, die and then are burnt or used for stuff and will later be burnt. This means the CO2 goes right back into the atmosphere.
The only way to get the freaking carbon out of the atmosphere for good is to get it back into the ground. This happens only through huge rainforests, like the ones that existed even in Europe a lot of time ago, before they were chopped down.
The difference between tree plantations / forests and rainforests here is that people shouldn't be allowed to use the fallen trees or chop any trees, instead will need to let them rot and go into the ground, forming coal and oil again, over hundreds of years.
TL;DR: CO2 will need to be converted into oil under the ground again, basically.
And pumping out new oil from the ground and new coal and burning that stuff has to stop.
Having precious metals scraped out of the earth by children to build ginormous Li-Ion batteries also has negative effects on the environment though.