I dont wanna look too paranoid or anything but I fell like it's something that could definitely happen.
Stop being afraid to "be too paranoid". People who see you as "being paranoid" today will in the next few years wish they had been as paranoid as you are right now. In fact, I
congratulate you of thinking and taking care. There are too few people who do nowadays - so few that we're considered weirdos/paranoid.
Every ATM chain is different. Sometimes, even the same chain has different ATMs. With that being said, you should first look up the ATM operator's website to see if there is anything about collecting your personal information or so. Some ATMs require fingerprints; some ATMs require ID validation; some ATMs require just SMS verification and some ATMs require nothing at all..
At the same time, there are ATMs that record your face or take a snapshot of it while you're transacting. On the other hand, there are ATMs that don't and only have cameras for QR code scanning or for theft prevention/protection/proof.
You could as well purchase a disposable SIM card and call the operator to ask your questions after which you throw the SIM away and then wait at least 5-7 days before actually going to the ATM (so that they don't link your voice/call to your face).
Will I need a QR code of my Bitcoin address?
For most ATMs, this is a must. However, here in Romania we've had terminals (they are not ATMs but rather paypoints) at which you could either manually write down the address or enter a bit.co.in (it's a Bitcoin address shortner) link into the terminal to make the purchase easier and faster. It depends on the device again. Typically however, you do have the option to either scan a QR code or manually type in your address.