this Bitcoin ETF Vs SEC has been a longtime comedy series, why are they in these loops of postpone, postpone, postpone and reject? it would not be simpler and it would save everyone's time if they were direct and practical and said: " bitcoin ETF is rejected "... Anyway on November 14th we will hear that it was rejected
Under the law, the SEC has the right to make its final decision 240 days after a company submits an application and it is finalized - which is manifested in the three deadlines for considering the application. It may not make much sense to you or anyone else, but
that is the law and it must be obeyed. In addition, if someone does not try something, then they will not know whether something would work or not - and a message is also sent to the SEC that there is great interest in such an ETF, which will sooner or later result in a positive decision.
It would be advisable not to open a new thread for each ETF separately - we have them all listed ->
List of ETF filings this year in the USYou would think that was the case, but think about these:
1. It is illegal to come across the border and yet the President is not enforcing the law.
2. It is illegal to commit perjury, but see Clapper and Brennan before the US Congress. See "parallel construction"
3. It is illegal to store (or remove it) on person devices, but see HRC.
4. It is illegal to discriminate based on skin color, but see "affirmative action".
So a more accurate statement today might be: "that is the law, and it may be obeyed depending on if one is in a politically favored class or not."