No I don't want to steal just check a list of keys may be 10M keys
But, if you ever found a balance from a list of 10M keys, it'd essentially be stealing. Those funds wouldn't be yours; you would have found another person's keys.
Anyway, I'm not going to prevent you from doing this. That's the point of the large ranges used in cryptography; to make brute forcing meaningless. If you want to generate 10M keys and check if they have a balance, you should pick a random number between these two:
[1, 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494336]
Now you should write a script that'll take the number and the next 10M and will convert them into WIFs. That's an easy thing to do. You should then synchronize with the network using a full node and query all those keys. To do so, running an Electrum server will make things easier. You should connect your Electrum server with your full node and then your Electrum client with your Electrum server. Now you can create a wallet by importing private keys and it'll return you their balances.
If you have any questions tell me. I'm willing to help you achieve all the above, I just find it honestly a loss of time for you.